We’re all looking for the perfect perch. If you’ve been suffering from saddle discomfort, but don’t know where to start or have been struggling for a while, it doesn’t have to hurt!

There is a comfortable saddle out there for you. Our unique saddle testing and fitting process can find the ideal saddle for you.

Our Unique 3 Step Process

Choose From 100+ Saddles

We hold over 150 models in our saddle library, so there’s bound to be a saddle shape to suit you. We hold brands such as Selle Italia, SQ Lab, Selle SMP, ISM, Fabric, Ergon…

Big Picture

Your saddle may not be the root cause of your discomfort. We will look at both your saddle choice but also how the rest of your bike fit affects how your comfort on the bike.

Borrow For 2 Weeks

Once you’ve found a saddle that feels comfortable, you can then borrow it for a further 2 weeks. This way you can be sure that it feels good on long rides.

Cannot be thankful for Wei and his fitting advice enough! Immediately after our first session, there was night and day difference in efficiency and saddle comfort. Wei set me up with a Selle SMP test saddle and i’ve never looked back. Over 6 months later and some of the biggest hours spent on the bike – I’m super happy with everything we’ve worked on. Legend!

– Jayden Manintveld

What You Need to Know…

Bums Are Different

Every human being is different. We have different bodies, histories, experiences and we all sit on bikes in our own unique way. So we need to taken a tailored approach to finding the right saddle for you.

Bodies Change

The truth is that you are changing. Sometimes slowly (ageing), sometimes quickly (injuries, child birth). So don’t expect to need the same shape / style of saddle for the rest of your life. Things change, so should your saddle.

Goals Change

It’s not just our bodies which are changing. Our riding goals change too and this has a massive impact on which saddle you need. Someone riding a Dutch bike to the bakery needs a very different saddle to someone trying to race an Ironman. Is your saddle helping you achieve your goal?

Bike Fit Matters

Although this session is primary focussed on saddles, the process has to take into account more than just choosing saddle shape. We will evaluate your overall position on the bike. For example, if your seat height it too high, whatever saddle you test will always feel uncomfortable.

This is not just a “fit and forget” solution. By addressing your riding position as well as your saddle choice we can get much better results.

How It Works:

1. Book a 2 hour Foundation Fit session

2. Have your position assessed

3. Make changes & test different saddles

4. Borrow a saddle for 2 weeks

5. Assess progress – keep a good saddle / change for another

10 Reasons To Book a Saddle Session:

1. We have fitted 1000s of riders = many happy bums!
2. Access our saddle library with 100+ models
3. We hold Road, MTB, Triathlon & Women’s specific saddles and many more
4. We will explain what type of saddle design works for you and your goals
5. We can use sensors and cutting edge tech to aid your decision making
6. You can test ride all the saddles in real life
7. Find a saddle you like? Borrow it for 2 weeks to see if it goes the distance
8. Want to buy a saddle? We can help source it
9. Don’t waste your hard earned £££ by guessing what might be the right saddle for you
10. Follow-up session included if required

Very friendly and professional! A week later, I’ve been using my bike for commuting daily and have already seen the improvements! My shoulders are relaxed and not up-tight anymore, my saddle feels more comfortable… Can’t wait to do my first 100km ride for the year to see the difference!

– Anthi Valavani

Give us a call!

Still unsure what the right fit for you is?
Call us and we can help you figure out what is going to make the difference for your riding.