How To Choose a Comfortable Saddle: 5 Tips From a Bike Fitter

1. Why it’s not always about the saddle The first thing you should figure out before choosing a saddle is: Is my saddle position correct? If your saddle is too high – every saddle you try will feel uncomfortable. Let’s imagine what happens when a saddle is too high. In order to turn the pedals … Continue reading How To Choose a Comfortable Saddle: 5 Tips From a Bike Fitter

Should You Be Using Clip-On Aero Bars?

Thinking about using clip-on aero bars? Here are some important things to consider… When Greg Lemond won the 1989 Tour de France, snatching victory over Laurent Fignon in the ITT on Stage 21, a strange looking contraption that was attached to his handlebars caught the attention of the cycling world at large. The Scott clip-on aero … Continue reading Should You Be Using Clip-On Aero Bars?

What Is Bike Fitting And Why Should You Care?

At its essence, bike fitting is a process of adjusting the contact points and/or changing specific components of a bicycle to allow the body to apply force through the pedals in the most stable and efficient way possible. Sounds simple, right? Well, yes and no. There’s far more to bike fit than just adjusting the bike and, … Continue reading What Is Bike Fitting And Why Should You Care?

Solving GI Stress & Triathlon Performance With a Bike Fit

Experiencing GI issues during triathlon? You might want to look at your bike fit… A case study of Colin Norris, ex-pro Ironman triathlete. Let’s set the scene – you’ve invested a significant amount of time, money and effort into preparing for a peak race, only for the wheels to come off early on in the … Continue reading Solving GI Stress & Triathlon Performance With a Bike Fit

Should You Change Crank Length?

Without launching straight into a rant about a subject that has been the point of what I’d call  ‘enthusiastic’ debate amongst fitters, bike manufacturers and riders alike in recent years, I’d like to go over some disclosures; these are my own personal views, arrived at through years of riding all kinds of bikes, through various … Continue reading Should You Change Crank Length?

Indoor Training on a Budget

In this first article of the series on indoor trainers, we look at some different set-ups for indoor cycling on a budget. If you’re just getting into triathlon or cycling or you haven’t trained indoors before, this is for you.  Things we especially look for in a set-up are: What differentiates this from your average … Continue reading Indoor Training on a Budget