I find the pervading negativity that pervades the general news not healthy… so I tend not to pay too much attention to it these days…
But the recent kerfuffle around the cancellation of the HS2 rail project unexpectedly provided with me with an interesting reminder…
We live in a capitalist society and the ultimate goal of capitalism is continued growth.
So when things get cancelled after significant investment, the immediate reaction is outrage!
Let me explain this emotional response a little further…

Let’s say you have been riding down a road for 20 miles before you realised that you missed your turning.
You are faced with two choices, either turn around and go back to the right turning or carry on down the wrong road, in some hope that it will eventually lead to your destination.
Do you cut your loses and turn back or carry on into the unknown?

The draw to carry on is strong, even though you have no idea if this is actually going to lead to your destination… I know because I can be stubborn, so I’ve done this so many times myself in the past!
You feel like you have invested so much already in this course of action that it becomes really hard to turn around.
This is what we call the sunk cost fallacy.
And this is the issue with always wanting to feel like you are moving forward, progressing, growing, we want more and more and more…
Sometimes we need to think more objectively about our situation.
And this requires a moment to pause and the reflect.
As a coach once said to me: Are you being too capitalist with your fitness (or bike fit)?

Particularly, with fitness, it’s so tempting to want to hold on to it forever.
We dread ‘losing’ fitness.
If we are side-lined for 2 weeks with an injury, it can feel like a crushing blow if it means you cannot train.
But the truth is, that you simply cannot be fit ALL the time!
It sounds obvious when you say it, but it’s hard to let go of fitness when we’ve worked so hard to gain it.
But it is neither possible, nor healthy to be chasing a high level of fitness all the time.
Instead, try to think of your fitness like the seasons. It changes with time. It SHOULD change with time.
Our bodies all have rhythms and we should flow with those rhythms.
We have daily rhythms – in order to be awake, we need sleep (although we’re trying very hard to prevent natural sleep cycles with screens and artificial lights).
We have weekly rhythms – 7 day week.
We have monthly rhythms – menstruation for women.
We have annual rhythms – seasons, Christmas etc.
It cannot be Christmas all year around…

So rather than thinking about losing fitness…
Think about when you want your fitness to peak.
Once you have figured that out, you can work backwards and put together a progressive plan of action to help you get to that peak. (This is what coaches do)
You can replace the word ‘fitness’ almost directly with ‘bike fit’.
Once you’ve had a bike fit, this is a position that is optimal for you, for that moment.
If your body changes over time (and it will), then your bike fit will also need to change.
Bike fit is not a static measurement, it is a reflection of your body and your capabilities.
What we aim to teach in all our bike fit sessions is a greater understanding of how your body interacts with the bike and with that greater understanding your are better able to manage these changes over time.
So don’t be afraid to play with your fit.
Don’t succumb to the sunk cost fallacy.
Seek to be in control of the rhythm of your fit(ness).
If you do need some direction in navigating the complexities of your posture, fitness and bike position, get in touch and see how we can help!